Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Lovers In My Cadillac Ride Pass To Autumn (2014)

  John Keats (1795-1821)
                                 TO AUTUMN.
    SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
        Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
    Conspiring with him how to load and bless
        With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
    To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
        And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
            To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
    With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
        And still more, later flowers for the bees,
        Until they think warm days will never cease,
            For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.
    Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
        Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
    Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
        Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
    Or on a half-reap’d furrow sound asleep,
        Drows’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
            Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:
    And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
        Steady thy laden head across a brook;
        Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,
            Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.
    Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
        Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—
    While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
        And touch the stubble plains with rosy hue;
    Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
        Among the river sallows, borne aloft
            Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
    And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
        Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
        The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
           And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Gunnar Ekelöf demo (minimal synth) (tbt) DET SKITER JAG!

That year, walked all over the tri-state with brass knuckles in black skinny jeans pocket. Year goes by threw those knucks over the Brooklyn Bridge during a peaceful march.You can hear the air swallow and pages turn. DET SKITER JAG!!!

Full Gunnar Ekelöf demo ~

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Oh, Wow

                                                   lenmesingapoura ~ OH WOW

Monday, September 22, 2014

Kitsune poem

Trot to confession, formulaic table of seated masked animals.
Lenmesin the noun, but verb as the fox.
Gander manipulation of this, 

The middle room is Earth red, table cloth white imprint emblem sign of silence.
Wicker sticks smoldering Mars black.
The Night of the Comet Negra.

Dissolved Girl enters chamber, black thigh high crescent slip dress, Moonlit shoulders, nude mid-drift, air coolly Massive Attack.
And slightly chairs creak.

No words best describe that,
She dances to the hum of enchant, taken to serpent vision,
Beholder of the eye, guests here,
All initiates remove masks, however
Not the Kitsune.

You see the tricks, Buddha, the town folk yearn for release.
Who are they? Yet,
Here in this hall, Vizards smile grin slightly.
It is aurora clear as crystal-oblivion, who is who.
The Sad face is the Sad face,
The Bear is the Bear,
Boar a Boar,
The Yin is the Yin, with long nose, gouty cheekbone,
The Minotaur is the Minotaur, no matter how his name signed shown.

Shine from the Chandelier. 

Leader with gray eyebrows, beam high rising the scepter,
Not a soul cares for the Reflector.
They do follow His 
Every cursed word.
It is the Leopard, like Visconti directed. However,
Not the Kitsune.

In the mouth of this chaos, the Fox sit majestically,
Paused for the clearing twigs,
Awaits the Undoing.  
Studies every chicken.
Release comes from the blood
Unbeknownst thickening, flowing.
See this change shape.
Poured into Goblet,
The Fox is but a Fox.
Manipulates the box 
From functioning.

Monday, September 15, 2014

John Lenmesin (The Fall emodemo) ~ Drink Deep

                            I wrote a poem that got a lot of heart likes, so I wanted to sing it to u all

Saturday, September 13, 2014

doodle at work


7 years ago poetry

Prelude to the Acts.
(Title is a Sam Shepard Play,
A Username,
Here it is the host of teenage brain drama developer,
Patti Smith-less :'(

The First Act.
Goth comes out from the tip of his tongue.
She coil like Cacti, 
Spiny boy porcupine on a couch, 
Typing just that way, 
and she wants him too.

The bottle of beer is sweating,
He finds the first taste awesome,
She looks for a reason, his mouth goes off looting,
Role play, he begins to know the lead all so well,
A hack mind, an emotion con, 
Nobody knows who has been kidnapped.
A Pizzaman Lobster enters the room, leaves rock'n'roll, just as quick as he appeared.

The Second Act.
Can't leave the bedroom alone, yet, 
Things pile up,
Goes to job. Blitz Bible days,
To survive when the day is half split, 
He just needs to come home and spit in her mouth.

The Third Act.
3AM, the L to Queens, subway summer city night,
Very big drunk man wearing only a trench coat, grabbed the bar,
stood over her and flashed his penis in her face.
She describes the dick. Pubic spider hairs curling, breathe waif whisky.
She was worked as a Dominatrix, pissed in a cup and a banker dog laps it up.
That night a black dick uncircumcised dangled between her eyes,
She said, "You failed me at protection." 

The Fourth Act.
Job is a magician and the coke machine mixed Jack, He thinks this will work,
Serving tacos to fast Manhattan,
Red light bulb in windowless studio, he's fucking mad artist.
She wants mary jane and him on the couch, watch Wheel of Fortune,
Art school despised him.
She had leftover debt, Sally Mae keeps calling.

The Fifth and Final Act.
5 the path number, Tarot reading by a sweet Lesbian witch, 
A knife that describes the anatomy inside.
The witch prophet futures and how he could will it. 
The cycle, he tries to break it.
That boy, he,
Got himself a reckless Cowboy Mouth,
Got his self a Lovegun that sprays bullets outcome might as well be no-names, 
He gone and put them in little X-mas box, tied with Pabst Blue Ribbon. Ring finger on the knot. That boy, 
He was a sloppy Joe. Forgetting them all, 
Poured out a little liquor for those who passed, her mama,
Swallowed his Tequila, that devil's drink,
He blacked out in subway,
Jilted fame of love and waking in his own vomit.
That son of a gun, He'll be,
Born again,
Makes a Mysterious Exit.
Like an Act you see it in those City Nights.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

u will never get me http://hellopoetry.com/john-lenmesin/

O lol-ly ah haha hah
Spirited Away, as IF
So I gathered u flowers,  Like A Car at A funeral service.
Babies come from storks, from the Center of the Universe.
O lol-ly ah haha hah

Up My Sleeves, Am I messed down with
the crank damage? Got the Cum damage.
Sexy page ad pages,
Drops of cinder from sages,
U Will Never Get Me.

U can not merit my sincerity or go to the site and burn it.
Magic, fingers try to get the 8ball in corner pocket,
Pens in my pocket, O,
So what happens next?
Walls are not true, come in thru windows,
See delicately tied strings.
BondAge Forever,
Words are like beads, indeed.
O lol-ly ah haha hah

Remember Pink Does Not Exist,
Punky B, I'm a realist, Vizards Countless, search for the Countess,
Ooops, made A cartoon, Thought balloon,
Dwell on this and IT twists,
Deformity artist.

Black IS what I wear,
Accessorize with Jeweler,
I do make say the center sing,
For what in pray tell, do U mean?
À rebours, to be,
AM not mean,
Sum of an Apology U find, Everything is Embarrassing,
Black nail polish, Black nylon hug hi-thigh, Touch,
I Love to Turn U On,
O lol-ly ah haha hah

bb kie-keep cumming,
O Right there, Closer but no cigar,
The Rose crowned whence being The Little Prince,
Idiot Savant sez, Sex the Like Darkness,
Demon Study on Sunday,
Born came an Angel,
U never will get me,
O lol-ly ah haha hah

lonely samurai shadow morning ritual cold shower outside wet hair dry in sun black and blue robe flow

Saturday, September 6, 2014

death shot poem

Padlocked gymnasium, I am boxing.

Grips the high stick, stack while worn out EverLast smacks the floor,
Swings, I heard stories, he broke some faces, bloodied,
"This shot is for..."
Tennis ball for puck drives into window.
He set the bleachers all on the sides.
"This is my death shot for -
her my girlfriend!"

The death shot series, six of six, run from the wall to the other side,
Show me,
Hockey nine iron swung, facial expression the same.
I take off the gloves, skin peels knuckles red, chain rattles, steady the bag.  I feel good, I get paid, threat on my life gone in a punch. Non threat.

Speaking in Italian accent,"That's your death shot for her, you're an artist, where is thou art?"

Hand me the stick, air is dairy-free pudding I twirl highly, ballerina boxer,
Moonwalk with the ball, focus crazy romance from this screaming sweat box.
Championship bulls come from the corners, steamed jawbones, street tuff corrections 101, see me in all red.
I'm still dancing with the hockey, no play games.
Throw flowers in the ring.
Shuffle stance card throwing aims, Abstract Naughty silver ring,
"What's her name?"
"Can it be, Lola?"
"Lola, me voilà! 
I present you my death shot."

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Black Nylon Sex Tape (minimal bondage noise punk) tbt


Monday, September 1, 2014

self portrait listening to Liz Phair

couch surf everybody surfing now

bb, u Global Position System the site, someone pack the books,
She's checking deuce coupe iPhone for waves.
Françoise Hardy iPod, Bikini Kill, Endless Summer,
Keyed the weather app, buried by sand castles.
Mac the board, bummer.
Cat snuggles on the beach blanket, snap a pic.
Upload it, floating pink beach chair, ch'yah,
International friends check this status update,
Everybody is doing well ... 
Techie in Bahamas, goggling over oysters.
School of neon tetra swims in her hair, her eyes,
AHHH! Smack the lip, gas chamber,
Swallowed up ocean, sky, sun, moon and stars, 
Where we at?
Lit up bonfire
let's go surfing now everybody surfing now.

in the red, Buddha bracelet

nude self-portrait ink 2014